How to clean your SLR Camera

You will need only a few items and products in order to clean it properly.

SRL Cameras need to be cleaned frequently but if you have left your camera apart for a while, it might be the right time to clear off dust. Cameras can accumulate dust and grime that can affect the gear, reason why we are going to show you some tips to keep it away from dirt.

The Body Camera

To begin, find a clean space to start cleaning the body of the camera. You can use a denatured alcohol and a toothbrush that you don’t use to take off stains.  Be aware that the denatured alcohol can remove the glue that holds the leather surfaces.  Also, you will need to clean the lens and the sensor area of your SLR camera. Each part is a delicate surface, you need to take your time to clean these two areas. To clean these surfaces will need:

  1.  Rubber bulb blower
  2. Lint-free wipes
  3. Lens cleaner 

Clean The Lens

Remember that SLR/DSLR lenses are made of glass and the clarity of your photo depends on each lens and free of dirt particles. This is the reason why a camera kit is important to have. This includes a soft cloth cleaning like a microfiber cloth and a blower.  At this stage, you want to remove the detritus without making scratches over the lens. To clean your lens dust, use a blower without a brush, if it’s too complicated to remove it, try to use the non-abrasive, lint-free wipe with lens cleaner. Apply the cleaner on the cloth to clean the front glass of the lens. 

If you maintain a proper cleaning of the lenses of your SLR/DSLR camera, you will ensure a better picture quality and a greater lifespan for your photography equipment. Once you clean your camera you can store it in a safe place for a future use. Moreover, put your camera into a camera bag to store it and protect it from dust and dirt. Likewise, you can include a blower, lens cleaner and cloth in your camera bag. 

 The Sensor

You don’t need to get inside the camera to clean the sensor that often. However, if you notice blemishes on your images, there might be some particles to remove inside your camera.  A tip, to notice if there are strange particles inside your camera is to turn off and remove the lens.

At the moment you turn off the camera, the sensor is charged and might attract some dirt particles.  Be sure to set the camera mode to sensor cleaning mode. Then, use a small bellows, blow air into the digital sensor’s defensive filtering element. Please, try to not touch the filter with the tip of the bellows as this will damage the element.  Finally, after you have used the bellows to take away dirt, you can use your clean brush and gently sweep the surface. 

We hope these tips help you to keep your camera clean from dust or dirt. However, if you think it is time for an upgrade of camera, you can sell used cameras online and get paid for it.  Check the article how to sell used cameras to follow the steps.