T-Mobile Confirms: A 5G Samsung Phone is in the Works

T-Mobile remained tight-lipped when Verizon, AT&T, and Sprint revealed their plans to introduce a 5G version of a Samsung phone in 2019.

T-Mobile’s Chief Technology Officer (CTO), Neville Ray, shocked the entire industry as he confirmed through a blog post that the tech giant is working on a 5G phone too. In his blog, he also called out the competition, saying that T-Mobile is the sole company intending to deliver an authentic 5G experience for everyone.

What is 5G Technology?

One of the most highly anticipated developments in the tech industry is 5G technology, which is the newest iteration of cellular mobile communications. As you probably already know, it succeeds 4G, 3G, and 2G systems. Compared to previous iterations, this emerging tech offers greater speeds, energy-saving, high system capacities, lower latency, and massive device connectivity.   

The 5th generation wireless technology has been the talk of the town since major carriers such as AT&T, Verizon, and Sprint announced that they will be introducing new 5G versions of a Samsung smartphone. While it’s believed to transform the future of applications, it’s also expected to usher in advances that will enhance every industry fueling the US economy. According to T-Mobile’s CTO, this technology has the potential to produce more jobs and create more opportunities for people.

In his blog post, Ray made it clear that none of the advantages of 5G technology will matter if companies like “AT&T, Verizon, and the cable monopolists” remain in control of the country’s 5G future.

T-Mobile 5G Spectrum strategy: What Makes It Special?

Ray explained that T-Mobile is focused on delivering an excellent customer experience, not for a select few, but for everyone who wants to benefit from this new technology. He said that in order for a company to do so, they must embrace a combination of low, mid, and high-band spectrum. As he mentioned, this is exactly what they are doing. He called it their multi-band 5G spectrum strategy, which is a fundamental part of their merger with Sprint.

As for other wireless companies, Ray said that their 5G strategy is rather restricted. They only intend to introduce 5G to a few select places. But with T-Mobile’s nationwide 5G strategy, they will most likely be forced to change their plan.

Ray confirmed that T-Mobile is working with Samsung on a 5G smartphone. There’s a lot of work to do given that the tech has yet to be commercially ready. When he penned this blog post last year, he said that it underperforms LTE. Much of the details surrounding this 5G smartphone has yet to be announced, but the phone is expected to come out within the year.

Are you excited about the 5th generation wireless technology? If you want to get your hands Samsung’s 5G smartphone, you might as well start saving for it. That’s definitely not going to come cheap. You can always sell cellphone units you’ve used before to save up some extra cash for an extra special phone.